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Why customer service is critical to SnapFulfil's success

In this 24/7 society where we expect deliveries the same day by the touch of a button, the pressure is on to minimise mistakes and maintain customer satisfaction.  Social media adds another element, where customers are quick to air their grievances publicly and reputations can be shattered overnight with losses amounting to millions.


Providing a speedy and accurate response to customers around logistics and supply chain operations is critical. Therefore, at SnapFulfil, customer service sits at the heart of our business as we continuously invest in systems that make the experience as seamless and effective as possible.           

Being a cloud-based warehouse management systems (WMS) provider, our customers operate in noisy warehouse and fulfilment centres with limited reception, so it’s important that we provide a customer service solution that works for them.

That’s why we’ve introduced a Live Chat facility, which has immediately resulted in a 100% customer satisfaction rate since its launch last year.  Live Chat has given us an additional support channel that is less disruptive and equally efficient as phone calls.  And because it’s integrated with our existing system, customers can engage with us via Chat, follow up later on the phone and then update the ticket via our Help Centre.

Ensuring continuity throughout the customer journey enables us to deliver the very best support we can, while ultimately ensuring our customers' warehouses run as efficiently as possible.

We also appreciate that every warehouse is unique and requirements vary from location to location and country to country, so offering flexible options for our customers is important.  For example, we can provide 24/7 support and different service level agreements (SLAs), to ensure customer service is tailored to the business model of each customer.

Our customers can also track the status of their tickets and update them in real-time, which is vital in this fast-paced world of fulfilment.

But we’re not going to stand still. Future initiatives we have in the pipeline include further improvements to our self-service offerings and embracing artificial intelligence (AI) within our Help Centre.

Top 5 Customer Service Tips:

  1. Be passionate about delivering excellent customer service – it’s not just about systems but culture, which needs to be fed from the top. Enthusiasm is infectious and an engaged, happy workforce is vital to customer satisfaction.
  1. Understand the needs of your customers – work with them to understand what goals they want to achieve or challenges they want to overcome. Don’t underestimate the knowledge your customers have about your products or services. 
  1. Recognise and understand the customer journey – customer service should be readily available, easily accessible and quick to respond. Keep your customers in the loop and they will be more understanding if something takes longer than expected.
  1. Respect your customers – never take your customers for granted and give them the respect they deserve. Listen carefully to their queries and deliver on your promises.
  1. Training – make sure your customer service teams are fully trained and updated on the latest products and services. They are the face of your company, and how they speak and respond to customers is critical to your success.


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