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SnapFulfil awarded Cyber Essentials certification

snapfulfil-awarded-cyber-essentials-certificationWarehouse technology innovator SnapFulfil has further ramped up its IT security accreditation with the UK government backed Cyber Essentials certification.

It's independently verified and sees organizations audited against the five main security checks that protect against the vast majority of cyber attacks – namely firewalls and internet gateways, secure configurations, access control, malware protection, plus all the appropriate patches.

Aligned with government's National Cyber Security Centre protocols, when properly implemented these five controls help protect against internet-based attackers using commodity capabilities that are increasingly available and accessible.

SnapFulfil's Chief Technical Officer, Anish Mackan, says: "SnapFulfil is advanced cloud-based software, so it's essential we have robust and recognized security standards. This accreditation further demonstrates our commitment to compliance and IT security across the business. What's more, it shows current and potential customers that the correct practices have been implemented to stay cyber secure and ensure data is protected.

"It's also important because vulnerability to initial attacks can mark you out as a soft target for cyber criminals, because they are looking for operations which do not have the Cyber Essentials technical controls in place.

"Our plan is to go one further in 2021 with Cyber Essentials PLUS – whereby the auditors regularly simulate hacking and phishing attacks - and, of course, being certified also puts us in the frame for bids on Government contracts going forward."


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